The second reading of the Active Mobility Bill on parliament had given consumers a clearer picture on the future of electric scooters and other personal mobility devices (PMD). Since the reading, the public were able to gain clarity on the legitimacy of electric scooters and other PMD. This had since spur a growth in the personal mobility industry.
Many users that bought electric scooters into their household had observed a general improvement in their regular transportation needs. One of the users being interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao, Ms Fan said that since buying two electric scooters for their household, her family was able to make use of the electric scooters to travel around; saving them transportation time and public transport cost.
Ms Fan bought her electric scooters from a second-hand retailer online for a price of 300-500 dollars, she said that although she had to pay a few hundred dollars for the electric scooters, she believes that long term usage of the electric scooters will help her to save more; as compared to taking a bus ride of $2.80 per trip or more. Also, to ensure her husbands and her electric scooter meets the requirements of the Active Mobility Bill, she and her husband had also taken initiative in installing front and rear light to their electric scooters.
For consumers that are looking to purchase their electric scooter online, they will have to take note of the requirement set out by the Active Mobility Bill. In-cases where they bought an electric scooter that is classified as non-compliant, they will have to fork out additional cash for modification.
Mr Ifrey Lai, director of Mobot, said that the Active Mobility Bill could help restrict the sales of non-complaint devices, thus reducing the risk of accident cause by errant drivers using these devices.
He also stated that, because of the introduction of the bill, sales of electric scooters that was found to travel more than the speed limit as well as being overweight had faced a sharp decline in sales.
He highlighted that Mobot had and will always focus on the education and training of its employee, so that they are able to explain to customers the safety aspect of electric scooter riding.
“The most important thing is to explain to customers that electric scooters users are not allow to ride on the road, this is to prevent causing danger to oneself as well as other road users,” said Mr Ifrey Lai, director of Mobot.
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