
Mobot Freedom Chaser

MOBOT Freedom Chaser Electric Scooter - Tutorial Video - Functions
MOBOT Close Look | Electric Scooter - Freedom Chaser - Folding Tips
MOBOT Freedom Chaser Electric Scooter - Tutorial Video - Basics
Freedom Chaser | Electric Scooter - Mobot TV EP1

Here we have some videos about Mobot Freedom Chaser. You will find out that there are different functions available in your own Freedom Chaser. We also show the basics of operating your own Freedom Chaser. Mobot Close Look is dedicated to quick fixes or specific tips regarding different Mobot eScooters. You can take a look at some folding tips for the Freedom Chaser Electric Scooter to give you an easier time when folding. For more information, visit or contact us at (+65) 6538 2816 or (+65) 6538 2817.